Michael portrait

Hello, I'm Michael. I'm a Software-Engineer Student with experience in Web Development. I also enjoy building sites & apps. Mainly using React (Next.js).

About me

After graduating with a degree in Software Engineering, I decided to pursue my passion for programming. I gained over 5 years of experience in software engineering, with proficiency in JavaScript, Python, Java, and C++. My core stack includes React, Next.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. I am also familiar with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. I am always eager to learn new technologies and stay updated on industry trends. I am currently seeking opportunities for a software engineering or web developer role.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy traveling, going to the gym, and going on runs. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning japanese and have been for 5 years. I'm also learning about Machine Learning/ AI.

My projects

Sac State IEEE

SacStateIEEE Website is a Next.js & TailwindCSS web application, hosted on Vercel for the IEEE Club at CSUS

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Vercel
  • Typescript
  • FramerMotion

Vite Word Games

Enjoy a dynamic collection of word games with Vite Word Games, a Vite, Vercel, React, and TypeScript-powered web app, designed for quick fun with friends.

  • Vite
  • Vercel
  • Tailwind
  • Typescript
  • Word Games

Dim Eye Show Podcast website

This commissioned project was built using Next.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, featuring a dynamic, responsive design with animated UI elements and social media integration created for the Dim Eye Show.

  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • Podcast

Game of Life (Java)

The Game of Life concept game(cellular automaton) made using a custom java graphics engine built from the ground up, Link.

  • Java
  • OpenGL
  • Object Oriented
  • Graphics Engine

Jared Eastlick Personal Portfolio

A personal portfolio website built with Next.js and Chakra UI, showcasing the work, experience, hobbies, and contact information of freelance writer Jared Eastlick.

  • Next.js
  • Chakura UI
  • Tailwind
  • Javascript
  • Portfolio

Youtube MP3/MP4 Downloader

Video downloader application with a modern graphical user interface (GUI) using Python. With a supporting API

  • Python 3
  • GUI
  • API
  • Downloader

My skills

My experience

American River College

Sacramento, CA

I graduated after 3 year of studying getting my Associates Degree in Computer Science

2019 - 2022

Front-End Developer

Sacramento, CA

I worked as a front-end developer for 1 year intering at American River Design Hub. I also upskilled to the full stack.


Sacramento State

Sacramento, CA

I pursued further education in Computer Science at CSUS and am on track to complete my degree by May 2025


Full-Stack Developer

Sacrmento, CA

I'm now a full-stack developer working as a freelancer. My main stack includes React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Vercel and MongoDB. I'm open to full-time opportunities.

2023 - present

Contact me

Please contact me directly at michaelmehrdadi123@gmail.com
or through this form.